Environmental issues is an ethical and philosophical underpinnings ( Archive )

Dr. Kamal al-Din Naseri, the executive secretary of The First International Conference on Green University, described the content presented at the conference as part of a new approach in the country. From his perspective, universities are in a unique position with respect to influencing the society due to their distribution, their role as a point of reference and their responsibility for educating experts. This unique position should compel institutions of higher education to operate with environmental consideration and reduce energy use.

He explained the reason behind taking the conference to an international level to be the desire to share experiences and information from pioneering countries in this field. However, Dr. Naseri admitted that there might be limitations to how much the ideas developed in other countries can be applied to the current situation in Iran. Since the countries in the region are facing similar problems, we are planning to circulate this conference among the neighboring countries.

Referring to the ethical and philosophical underpinnings of environmental issues, Dr. Naseri put special focus on the role of educating the young generation at schools and universities as the best way to bring about a change in the pervasive culture of the society. Noting the key role that professors can play, Dr. Naseri explained how creating a link between distinguished scholars, students, and personnel at a university can help transfer knowledge to the society.

According to him, modernity is essentially in opposition to nature. This fact has led to the exploitative use of resources in Iran and the notion that there is no need to conserve resources and manage land. Such a view towards nature has made Iran one of the most wasteful nations in the world. This throws the need for a revision in our culture into sharp relief.

Finally, Dr. Naseri mentioned the pioneering role of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and added: “this issue is being more fundamentally pursued in the Strategic Plan of the University”.

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