Green Campus, master planning concepts for higher education ( Archive )

Head of regeneration care and campus maintenance planning office, Chiba University asserted that a Green Campus is a place where environmentally responsible practices and education go hand in hand and working to reduce the ecological footprint, raise awareness about environmental problems or more research on sustainable solutions.

Professor Takeshi Ueno believed that Green Campus demanded long-term commitment to continuous environmental improvement from the campus community which can be achieved by making significant progress in the cross-campus community.

“Green-Campus aims to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life with more attention on how to behave toward the environment,” he said. “The Green Campus initiative mirrors the principles of Green-Schools and endeavors to extend learning beyond the lecture theatre to develop responsible attitudes and commitment to the environment”.

Professor Takeshi added, “A sustainable campus is one that has achieved a reduction of its ecological footprint well beyond standards and has done so with an institutional ethos that advocates for justice, peace, respect and action to protect the integrity of natural systems and demonstrates an open willingness to share this information beyond its own walls, wherever it’s needed”.

He continued, “The concept of sustainable campus is a vision that needs our practice. Each educational institution, unique in its history and culture, can create its own path of sustainability”.

The First International Conference on Green University held by the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad on 6th and 7th of February 2018.

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