The Book Titled “Saffron: Science, Technology and Health” Edited by Professors of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad was Published by Elsevier International ( Archive )

The book Saffron: Science, Technology, and Health, edited by Dr. Alireza Kouchaki and Dr. Mohammad Khajeh Hosseini, professors at the Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM), was published by Elsevier International Publications.

This book was written with the cooperation of 66 experts in various fields of science from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and other academic research centers and several experts from the United States, Spain, Italy, and Greece. Has come. This book, which has been published in six sections, 34 chapters, and 580 pages, begins by dealing with the historical, cultural, and religious aspects of saffron and then enters the production aspects. In the following, the genetic and molecular aspects of saffron are discussed to find the origin of its domestication and its kinship with the wild breeds of its family. Processing, storage, packaging, and counterfeiting of saffron are the next chapters of the book. It then takes a look at the economic and global trade aspects and Iran's prominent share in the production and export of this valuable product. In the last eleven chapters of the book, the medicinal aspects and application of saffron in old and new medicine have been discussed in detail by a large number of physicians specializing in various scientific fields, and the proper effectiveness of this plant in modern medicine has been discussed. The design on the cover is decorated with a beautiful view of the saffron farm in Gonabad, which is irrigated with aqueduct water.

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