FUM as a Leading University in the International Arena of Iran ( Archive )

FUM was placed on the MSRT list as a prominent university for presence at the international arena and the enhancement of the university at the international scale level. We congratulate FUM’s large family and appreciate all the devoted hard work of our colleagues resulting in the excellence of FUM name at the international level.
According to the MSRT and in line with the announced policies of “resistance economy” by the Supreme leader, the selected universities in this initiative will have the opportunity to upgrade themselves to an international level, based on their proposed program. It should be noted that given the significance of the response to the scientific needs and deepening of the interactions at the international level of the FUM Strategic Plan, the Deputies for Planning, Resource Development and Research & Technology, cooperating with the Academic Affairs Deputy and International Academic Relations Department are responsible for determining the policies and special and detailed direction of FUM for upgrading to the international. Fortunately, such endeavors have led to the selection of FUM as a top university for international sphere. It is hoped that such honors help constant improvement of FUM status. 
It should be noted that a workshop was developed with the presence of Dr. Farhadi, the Minister for Research and Technology and a group of higher education scholars at the MSRT and five universities found entry in this selection. According to the MSRT initiative, the selected university ought to be placed among the top 200 universities of the world according to their action plans within 10 years.
FUM Public Relations Office appreciates all the academic members’ work and wishes all the honorable academic members a happy new year, coinciding with the birthday of Hazart Zahra (a) and hopes that they make the best out of the capacity for improvement of FUM by their even more endeavors.  

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