Meeting on Cooperation Capacity between Iranian and Indian Universities at FUM ( Archive )

International relations directors of Iranian universities got together at a meeting held at FUM in August 2012 for the purpose of examining the cooperation capacities between the universities of Iran and India, which was hosted by the Secretariat of Scientific Cooperation Center of Iran and India.

The meeting was attended by a number of international relations directors from different universities, Dr. Rabbani, Head of the Center for International Cultural Studies of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, Mr. Kalateh, Head of the Department of Scientific Collaboration of the Ministry of Science on Internationalization, Prof. Kafi, Head of FUM, Dr. Ghabool, Head of International Academic Relations, Dr. Ebrahimi, Director of the Secretariat of Scientific Cooperation Desk of Iran and India, Prof. Hashemi, Advisor to the FUM President and scientific secretary of the Cultural Dialogue of Iran and the Indian subcontinent, as well as a number of reporters.

In this meeting, Prof. Kafi, President of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, who for many years served as Iranian Scientific Attaché in India, described the capabilities, opportunities and characteristics of India, and while pointing to the background of Iran-India cultural commonalities: "Fortunately, Iran's relations with Indian universities are good; But, unfortunately, the problem we are facing with is the false belief regarding higher education system in India. Contrary to popular belief, the Indian higher education system is very strict.” He noted that since the establishment of the Secretariat of Cooperation Desk between Iran and India, it has been welcomed by the Indian universities. Prof. Kafi, referring to the Indian students' view of the West, said: "We must strive to change the Indian students regarding us and so that they our universities."

Dr. Ebrahimi, a faculty member of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM) and the chair of the Secretariat of the Scientific Cooperation Desk of Iran and India, also presented a report on science, research and technology status of India, and also presented a report on the performance of the Secretariat.

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