Faculties and departments are the major bodies responsible for carrying out activities that would lead to achieving goals of higher education and satisfy, the needs of the society by educating specialists in different fields of study, based on the overall development plan of the country.

Duties of the Board of Faculty :
  • Providing theoretical and practical education for the students
  • Carrying out academic research based on the economic, social and technological needs of the country and within the framework of University plans
  • Holding academic seminars and conferences through cooperation with relevant university offices
  • Providing  facilities for the academic and non-academic activities of the students
  • Exchanging professors and students and establishing academic relationships with specialists as well as the academia, on both nation-wide and international scales
  • Specifying the need for the employment of academic staff through consulting the departments
  • Providing academic and library services
  • Reporting to the university the need for employing administrative staff
  • Preparing faculty annual budget in cooperation with the University Office for Budget and Planning
  • Managing budget allowances and administrative affair
  • Preparing the background for executing regulations communicated to the faculty by Vice-Chancellors for Academic and Research Affairs
  • Formulating academic and research policies of the faculty on the basis of the overall academic and research strategies of the University
  • Assessing and formulating academic programs of the faculty
  • Evaluating research proposals received and sending them to the University Research council for further assessment and/or final approval
  • Taking steps to coordinate teaching and research activities of the the staff
  • Specifying the need for the employment of academic staff and suggesting to the University the candidates whom the departments approve on the basis of checking the candidates' documents and /or asking them to attend an interview
  • Evaluating and assessing textbooks and pamphlets suggested by the staff
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  • Evaluating and assessing the works of the staff, whether written books, research papers or translations, in order to approve their promotion
  • Assessing course curriculums in order to promote the quality of Academic and research activities
  • Determining the number of students to be admitted for each department and suggesting it to the University Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  • Deciding on the staff's entitlement to attend conferences or to take a sabbatical leave

Dean of the Faculty

The Dean is appointed by the University Chancellor and can have up to three Vice-Deans for Academic, Research and Administrative Affairs.


  • Supervising and controlling the enforcement of university regulations sent to the faculty through the Chancellor
  • Coordinating academic, research, administrative and cultural activities of the faculty
  • Convening and supervising Faculty Councils
  • Attending University Council meetings 

Academic Regulations

  • General Courses: All Baccalaureate students are required to take 10 courses (21 units in all) from the Department of Islamic Studies. They are included in the minimum 10 grade point average required in the major for graduation. The courses are: Physical Training 1 & 2 (half a unit each), Persian Language & Literature (3 units), English (3 units), Islamic Thought 1 & 2 (2 units each), History of Islam (2 units), Islamic Revolution (2 units) Moral Teachings (2 units), Family planning (half a unit).
  • Fundamentals: Set of courses that have to be completed before taking up Basic Courses in each department.
  • Basics: Set of required courses from one or more departments designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills and experiences necessary to pursue a career and/or an advanced study.
  • Option: Set of required units within a major.
  • Units: A credit or semester unit represents 50 minutes of class work per week for one semester (16 weeks).
  • Grade Point Average (GPA):The GPA is a measure of academic scholarship and performance which is completed by dividing units registered into grade points earned. Two separate GPAs are counted: GPA for each semester points and Cumulative GPA for total units taken, whether passed or failed.
  • Grading System: The grading system is 1-20. The passing grade for all courses is 10 (for the Baccalaureate) and 12 (for the Master), provided that the GPA is 12 and 14, respectively). Students who end a semester with a GPA under 12 or 14 are placed on academic probation for the next semester. The students on probation cannot choose more that 17 units. Should this happen in three successive semesters or in any four semesters, the student is disqualified and his studies are terminated.