Management Research Center
The Management Research Center is one of the first research centers in the field of management in Iran. The Management Research Center, established in 2006 at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, benefits from the services of many experienced and specialized researchers. The belief underlying the establishment of this research center is that sustainable and comprehensive development is possible only if activities of organizations and their managers are based on research findings. Knowledgeable professors and experienced experts at the Management Research Center are ready to collaborate in research projects of organizations and to consult in different management aspects such as strategies, organizational infrastructures, organizational culture, human resources, production, and marketing. This center follows the following objectives:
- To fulfill the increasing need of organizations and institutions for updating systems and management-organizational processes
- To face the challenges and grasp the opportunities of dynamic, science-based, and competitive technology era
- To establish effective communication between the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and industry owners, managers of organizations, as well as investors
- To establish communication and collaboration between organizations to solve their common problems
- To apply research findings for development and achieving the main goals of organizations in the Khorasan Razavi Province and Iran
- To upgrade and maintain the rank of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in information production and knowledge development
- Conducting research projects in management and market development
- Providing consultation services to managers of organizations and institutes in the Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran and the region
- Sharing the experience of university professors and researchers with students, and members of other universities and organizations
- Developing capabilities of managers of organization through training and consultation
- Localizing research studies
- directing students’ dissertations towards practical management topics More
Ali Shirazi |
Associate Professor |
Department of Management |
| |
+985138805306 |
Contact Information
Iran, Mashhad, Azadi Square, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Management Research Center
Phone: +985138835945
Postal code: 9177948974