
Department of Statistics

Academic Staff

This page allows you to have a full search over the staffs and people whose information is mostly needed by you. Please enter the name of your desired staff and click the search button and stay calm while the information is being processed.


Name Family Employee Status Email
Statistics  emadi um ac ir
JafarAhmadiStatistics  ahmadi-j um ac ir
MohammadAminiStatistics  m-amini um ac ir
MohammadArashiStatistics  m_arashi_stat yahoo com
MahdiDoostparastStatistics  doustparast um ac ir
VahidFakoorStatistics  fakoor math um ac ir
MassoumehFashandiStatistics  fashandi ferdowsi um ac ir
ArezouHabibiradStatistics  ahabibi um ac ir
HadiJabbari NooghabiStatistics  Jabbarinh yahoo com
MehdiJabbari NooghabiStatistics  jabbarinm um ac ir; jabbarinm yahoo com
Gholam RezaMohtashami BorzadaranStatistics  grmohtashami um ac ir
MostafaRazmkhahStatistics  razmkhah_m um ac ir
AbdolhamidRezaei RoknabadyStatistics  rezaei um ac ir
MajidSarmadStatistics  sarmad um ac ir