
Department of Islamic Philosophy

Academic Staff

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Name Family Employee Status Email
Islamic Philosophy  hakbarzadeh ferdowsi um ac ir
Mohammad KathemElmi SolaIslamic Philosophy  elmi ferdowsi um ac ir
AliHaghiIslamic Philosophy  haghi um ac ir
Sayyed mortazaHosseiniIslamic Philosophy  shahrudi ferdowsium ac ir
azamirajiniaIslamic Philosophy  airajinia um ac ir
AbbasJavareshkianIslamic Philosophy  javareshki um ac ir
VahidKHademzadehIslamic Philosophy  v khademzadeh gmail com
Ali RezaKohansalIslamic Philosophy  http://www um ac ir/
JahangirMasoudiIslamic Philosophy  masoudi-g um ac ir
JafarMorvaridIslamic Philosophy  jafar_morvarid yahoo com
AmirRastin toroghiIslamic Philosophy  arastin um ac ir
Mohammad AliVatandoostIslamic Philosophy  ma vatandoost ferdowsi um ac ir