Bachelor's Program: The objective of the B.A. program is to train experts so as to make them acquainted with the basics, different theories, and applications of Biology. Plant Biology, Biology Teaching, Cellular and Molecular Biology are the areas of specialization offered. The minimum duration of study is 7 semesters, i.e. 3.5 years. There are 135 credit hours offered in this program. Master's and Ph.D. Programs: Currently, there are 68 M.Sc. students studying Animal Biology and Plant Biology. There are 4 areas of specialization offered at the M.Sc. level: Animal Physiology, Animal Biosystematics, Systematic Plant Physiology and Plant Ecology. Additionally, there are 10 Ph.D. students in the Department studying Plant Physiology, and Molecular and Cellular Physiology. Academic Members Name Rank BehnamRasooli, M., PhD Professor Darvish, J., PhD Professor Ejtehadi, H., PhD Associate Professor Zakaee, M., PhD Associate Professor Lahooti, M., PhD Associate Professor Moghimi, A., PhD Associate Professor MahdaviShahri, N., PhD Associate Professor AbrishamChi, P., PhD Assistant Professor Bahrami, A., PhD Assistant Professor Hadad, F., PhD Assistant Professor GhasemZade, F., PhD Assistant Professor MatinMoghaddam, M., PhD Assistant Professor Mashreghi, M., PhD Assistant Professor Bahreini, M. Lecturer Abadian, M.A. Lecturer AlizadeNamini, M. Lecturer Fereydooni, M. Lecturer MirShamsiKakhki, O. Lecturer
The objective of the B.A. program is to train experts so as to make them acquainted with the basics, different theories, and applications of Biology. Plant Biology, Biology Teaching, Cellular and Molecular Biology are the areas of specialization offered.
The minimum duration of study is 7 semesters, i.e. 3.5 years. There are 135 credit hours offered in this program.
Currently, there are 68 M.Sc. students studying Animal Biology and Plant Biology. There are 4 areas of specialization offered at the M.Sc. level: Animal Physiology, Animal Biosystematics, Systematic Plant Physiology and Plant Ecology. Additionally, there are 10 Ph.D. students in the Department studying Plant Physiology, and Molecular and Cellular Physiology.
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Psychology | Research Center | Sciences | Theology | Veterinary Medicine | Neyshabour Faculty of Arts| Shirvan Higher Education Center