Linguistics is the study of language, encompassing a number of subfields. A variety of intellectual disciplines are relevant to the study of language. Although certain linguists have downplayed the relevance of some other fields, linguistics—like other sciences—is highly interdisciplinary and draws on work from such fields as psychology, informatics, computer science, philosophy, biology, human anatomy, neuroscience, sociology, anthropology, and acoustics. M.A. and Ph.D. Program At the M.A. level, a minimum of 32 hours of credit is required for the degree of M.A. in Linguistics. There are currently 10 Ph.D. students of Linguistics in the Dept. Academic members Name Rank Jahangiri, N., PhD Professor Estaji, A., PhD Assistant Professor PahlavanNejad, M.R., PhD Assistant Professor Sharifi, Sh., PhD Assistant Professor
Linguistics is the study of language, encompassing a number of subfields. A variety of intellectual disciplines are relevant to the study of language. Although certain linguists have downplayed the relevance of some other fields, linguistics—like other sciences—is highly interdisciplinary and draws on work from such fields as psychology, informatics, computer science, philosophy, biology, human anatomy, neuroscience, sociology, anthropology, and acoustics.
M.A. and Ph.D. Program
At the M.A. level, a minimum of 32 hours of credit is required for the degree of M.A. in Linguistics. There are currently 10 Ph.D. students of Linguistics in the Dept.
Academic members
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Psychology | Research Center | Sciences | Theology | Veterinary Medicine | Neyshabour Faculty of Arts| Shirvan Higher Education Center