B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. Programs A minimum of 136 hours of credit is required for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences. The Master's degree in Social Sciences is a non-thesis program requiring at least 34 credits. In the Department, the Ph.D. program is also offered. There are currently 10 students studying at the Ph.D. level. Academic members Name Rank SadrNabavi, R., PhD Professor Behravan, H., PhD Associate Professor ZanjaniZade, H., PhD Associate Professor MazloomKhorasani, M., PhD Associate Professor Noghani, M., PhD Assistant Professor HeydariBigvand, D., PhD Assistant Professor Yoofi, A., PhD Assistant Professor SadighOraee, Gh.R. Lecturer HaeriZade. S.A. Lecturer HasaniDarmyan, Gh.R. Lecturer Majdi, A.A. Lecturer
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. Programs
A minimum of 136 hours of credit is required for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences.
The Master's degree in Social Sciences is a non-thesis program requiring at least 34 credits.
In the Department, the Ph.D. program is also offered. There are currently 10 students studying at the Ph.D. level.
Academic members
Agriculture | Architecture & Urban Planning | Economics | Engineering | Humanity Sciences | Mathematics | Natural Resources | Physical Education
Psychology | Research Center | Sciences | Theology | Veterinary Medicine | Neyshabour Faculty of Arts| Shirvan Higher Education Center