
Department of Social Sciences

Academic Staff

This page allows you to have a full search over the staffs and people whose information is mostly needed by you. Please enter the name of your desired staff and click the search button and stay calm while the information is being processed.


Name Family Employee Status Email
HosseinAkbariSocial Sciences  h-akbari ferdowsi um ac ir
AhmadrezaAsgharpourmasoulehSocial Sciences  asgharpour um ac ir
MajidFouladiyanSocial Sciences  fouladiyan ferdowsi um ac ir
Gholam RezaHassani DarmianSocial Sciences  gh-hassani um ac ir
MahdiKermaniSocial Sciences  m-kermani ferdowsi um ac ir
Ali AkbarMajdiSocial Sciences  majdi ferdowsi um ac ir
MohammadMazloum KhorasaniSocial Sciences  mmkhorasani ferdowsi um ac ir
HosseinMirzaeiSocial Sciences  hmirzaei um ac ir
MohsenNoghani Dokht BahmaniSocial Sciences  noghani um ac ir
GholamrezaSeddigh OuraeeSocial Sciences  sedighouraee um ac ir, sedighouraee googlemail com
AliYousofiSocial Sciences  yousofi um ac ir