
Department of Plant Protection

Academic Staff

This page allows you to have a full search over the staffs and people whose information is mostly needed by you. Please enter the name of your desired staff and click the search button and stay calm while the information is being processed.


Name Family Employee Status Email
SarehBaghaee RavariPlant protection  s baghaee um ac ir
LidaFekratPlant protection  fekrat um ac ir
MojtabaHosseiniPlant protection  m hosseini um ac ir
JavadKarimiPlant protection  jkb um ac ir
EsmatMahdikhani MoghadamPlant protection  mahdikhani-e um ac ir
MojtabaMamarabadiPlant protection  mamarabadi um ac ir
MohsenMehrvarPlant protection  mehrvar_m yahoo com
GholamhosseinMoravvejPlant protection  moravej um ac ir
HusseinSadeghi NamaghiPlant protection  sadeghin um ac ir
ParissaTaheriPlant protection  p-taheri um ac ir
SaeedTarighiPlant protection  starighi um ac ir
MohammadZaki AGhlPlant protection  zakiaghl ferdowsi um ac ir