
Department of Arabic Language and Literature

Academic Staff

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Name Family Employee Status Email
MarziehAbadArabic Language and Literature  mabad um ac ir
HassanAbdollahiArabic Language and Literature  hsnabdollahi yahoo com
AbbasArabArabic Language and Literature  abbasarab1333 gmail com
Aamad RezHidarian ShahriArabic Language and Literature  heidaryan ferdowsi um ac ir
BALASEMMOHSENIArabic Language and Literature  bl_mohseni yahoo com
AmirMoqaddam MottaqiArabic Language and Literature  a moghaddam ferdowsi um ac ir
HossainNazeriArabic Language and Literature  hosein_nazeri yahoo com
BaharSeddighiArabic Language and Literature  seddighi ferdowsi um ac ir
HoseinSeyediArabic Language and Literature  seyedi um ac ir
MonirZibayiArabic Language and Literature  mo_zi4394 yahoo com