Department of Mathematics (Pure Mathematics- Applied Mathematics)

This department was founded in 1962. Undergraduate students in mathematics not only learn basic mathematics thoroughly but also gain detailed familiarity with logical, creative, and analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The students are expected to utilize mathematical tools and models in analyzing issues related to science, engineering, technology and various sectors of the society such as industry, manufacturing, economic, and social management. The students can take their Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) in Mathematics and its applications after four years of study. Since 2010, students have been accepted in Mathematics and its Applications with or without the minor of pure and applied mathematics. Before that date, the students could study Pure or Applied Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics. More

Pure Mathematics

The Master’s program (Pure Mathematics) was founded in 1985. The aim of the areas of specialization in Pure Mathematics, offered by the Department of Mathematics, is to give students a broader and deeper understanding of the basic concepts underlying mathematics. This understanding enables masters students develop their skills largely in logical, creative and analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills and utilize mathematical tools and models in analyzing issues related to science and engineering compared with their undergraduate counterparts. This program also prepares students to further their education at the Ph.D. level. The Master’s program in the Department of Mathematics concentrates on Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Algebraic Topology, Dynamical Systems, Group Theory, and Algebraic Combinatorics.

The Ph.D. program (Pure Mathematics) was established in 2009. This program concentrates on Pure Mathematics and aims at educating knowledgeable specialists in their related areas of specialization (i.e., specialization) who can take the position of academic staff at universities and institutions of higher education for teaching at different levels, doing research, and providing specialized services in mathematics nationally and internationally. Before 2005, students were accepted in Analysis, Algebra, and Geometry at the masters’ level .The candidates can select one of the areas of specialization in this program such as Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Algebraic Topology, Dynamical Systems, Group Theory, and Algebraic Combinatorics. More

Head of the Department of Mathematics- Pure Mathematics
Behrooz Mashayekhy Fard
Department of Pure Mathematics

Applied Mathematics

This Master’s program (Applied Mathematics) was Founded in 1994. It aims at broadening and deepening the understanding of the basic concepts underlying mathematics, developing master’s students’ competence in logical, creative, and analytical thinking, problem-solving skills and utilization of the mathematical tools and models in analyzing issues related to science and engineering compared with Bachelor’s students. Masters students in Applied Mathematics learn to model real world problems and utilize applicable software in simulation models to be prepared for pursuing a Ph.D. degree. The areas of specialization in this program are Numerical Analysis, Operations Research, Optimal Control, Optimization, Differential Equations, Graph Theory, and Mathematical Education.

The Ph.D. program (Applied Mathematics) has admitted doctoral candidates since 1994. This program aims at educating knowledgeable specialists in their related areas of specialization who will be able to take the position of academic staff at universities and institutions of higher education in teaching at different levels, doing research, and providing specialized services in mathematics nationally and internationally. This program concentrates on Numerical Analysis, Operations Research, Optimal Control, Optimization, Differential Equations, Graph Theory, and Mathematical Education. More

Head of the Department of Mathematics-Applied Mathematics
Mortaza Gachpazan
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics-Applied Mathematics

Concentration areas offered by the Department of Mathematics (Pure Mathematics- Applied Mathematics)
Areas Bachelor's Master's Ph.D
Mathematics and its Applications
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Functional Analysis
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Harmonic Analysis
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Algebraic Topology
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Dynamical Systems
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Graph and Algebraic Combinatorics
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Group Theory
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Numerical Analysis
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Operational Research
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Differential Equations
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Numerical Linear Algebra
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Optimal Control and Optimizations
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Graph Theory
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Mathematical Education
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Academic staff

Hamid Reza Ebrahimi Vishki
Ahmad Erfanian
Fateme Helen Ghane Ostadghassemi
Shirin Hejazian
Mohammad Janfada
Associate Professor
Seyyed Alireza Kamel Mirmostafaee
Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol
Saeed Kayvanfar
Associate Professor
Kazem Khashyarmanesh
Behrooz Mashayekhy Fard
Bibi Hanieh Mirebrahimi Paziquee
Assistant Professor
Madjid Mirzavaziri
Hamed Najafi
Assistant Professor
Mohsen Parvizi
Assistant Professor
Reihaneh Raisi Tousi
Associate Professor
Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Hamid Torabi Ardakani
Assistant Professor
Ali Reza Zamani Bahabadi
Associate Professor

Hassan Alamolhodaei
Sohrab Effati
Mortaza Gachpazan
Associate Professor
Reza Ghanbari
Associate Professor
Asghar Ghorbani
Assistant Professor
Rasoul Ramezanian
Assistant Professor
Ali Reza Soheili
Omid Solaymani Fard
Associate Professor
Mostafa Tavakoli
Assistant Professor


Recent journal articles

Kamel Mirmostafaee, S. (2024). Some results on joint continuity of two variable set-valued mappings. Topology and its Applications, 341 (1), 108734-11.
Sal Moslehian, M. (2024). Hilbert C∗$C^*$‐module independence. Mathematische Nachrichten, 297 (2), 494-511.
Raisi Tousi, R. (2024). Dilational symmetries of decomposition and coorbit spaces. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 69 (101610), 101610-21.
Taghavi, Y., & Kayvanfar, S. (2024). Bounds for the Generalization of Baer’s Type Theorems. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 47 (2), -.
Zaj, M., Ghane Ostadghassemi, F. (2024). Exploring the potential of learning methods and recurrent dynamic model with vaccination: A comparative case study of COVID-19 in Austria, Brazil, and China. Physical Review E, 109 (1), -.
Shahini, F., & Khashyarmanesh, K. (2024). On the unitary one matching Bi-Cayley graph over finite rings. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 17 (2), -.
Neamah, S., & Erfanian, A. (2024). The Structure of the Generalized Cayley Graph Cay_m (〖 D〗_2n,S) of Valency Three. Iraqi Journal of Science, (), -.
Erfanian, A. (2024). Prime square order Cayley graph of cyclic groups. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 17 (2), -.
Abbasnia, F., Khashyarmanesh, K., & Erfanian, A. (2024). Common zero-divisor graph over a commutative ring. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 17 (1), -.
Erfanian, A. (2024). Power Cayley Graphs of Dihedral Groups with Certain Order. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 40 (2), 212-220.
Abedi, S., & Sal Moslehian, M. (2024). Two classes of $C^*$-power-norms based on Hilbert $C^*$-modules. Mathematica Scandinavica, 130 (2), -.
Sal Moslehian, M. (2024). Φ-moment inequalities for noncommutative differentially subordinate martingales. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 152 (8), 3551-3564.
Sal Moslehian, M. (2024). Matrix inequalities between $$f(A)\\\\sigma f(B)$$ and $$A\\\\sigma B$$. Aequationes Mathematicae, (), -.
Dadkhah, A., & Sal Moslehian, M. (2024). Decomposition of tracial positive maps and applications in quantum information. Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 14 (3), -.
Sal Moslehian, M., & Najafi, H. (2024). Operator mean inequalities and Kwong functions. Archiv der Mathematik, 122 (6), 659-669.
Farshchian, R., & Kamyabi Gol, R. (2024). Norm retrieval algorithms: A new frame theory approach. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 47 (9), 7111-7132.
Yari, B., Khashyarmanesh, K. (2024). Compressed Cayley graph of groups. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (), -.
Rastgar, Z., Khashyarmanesh, K. (2024). On the divisor graph of some graph operations. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 17 (3), -.
Shamsaki, A., Parvizi, M., & Erfanian, A. (2024). On the Exterior Degree of a Finite-Dimensional Lie Algebra. Journal of Mathematics, 2024 (), 1-6.
Yadegari, M., Zamani Bahabadi, A. (2024). Uniform structure with iterated function system, step skew product and their uniform entropy. Filomat, 38 (24), 8677-8688.
Araghirostami, Z., Parvizi, M. (2024). The Bogomolov multiplier of groups of order $p^7$ and exponent $p$. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 74 (4), 955-974.
Araghirostami, Z., & Parvizi, M. (2024). The Bogomolov multiplier of Lie superalgebras. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (), -.
Torabi Ardakani, H., Mirebrahimi Paziquee, B., & Babaee, A. (2024). On Hawaiian homology groups. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 53 (6), 1607-1626.
Rahmani, H., & Kamel Mirmostafaee, S. (2024). Some remarks on generalizations of the reverse order law in a *-ring. Mathematica, 66 (89) (2), 262-277.
Khashyarmanesh, K., & Korivand, M. (2024). On the determining number of some graphs. AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, 21 (3), 324-329.
Pourhaghani, A., & Torabi Ardakani, H. (2024). On (strongly) regular relations on soft topological hypergroups. Filomat, 38 (27), 9557-9566.

Recent theses and dissertations

Chareh Khah Moghaddam, A. (2024). On the probabilities and graghs associated to a finite-dimensional Lie algebra. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Moghanibashi, F. (2024). Lie derivations of triangular algebras and generalized matrix algebras. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Shahami, . (2024). On Topological Fundamental and Homotopy Groups with Subgroup Topology Approach. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Javadi, N. (2024). Mathematical modeling and bifurcation analysis of pro-tumor and anti-tumor macrophages. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Rashid, F. (2024). On generalized Bessel Multipliers. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Fatholahzadeh, Z. (2024). Relative non-commuting graph of a sub-algebra of finite dimensional Lie algebras and related topics. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Javdanian, A. (2024). A mathematical model of malaria transmission in a periodic environment. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Hajiaghajanpour, N. (2024). Generalizations of cyclic codes on finite fields. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Asli, A. (2024). Topology of parametrized motion planning algorithm and sequential parametrized motion planning. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Hosseiniabrishami, Z. (2024). Some graphs associated to a topological space. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Shoja, Z. (2024). Vertex and edge locating coloring of graphs and related topics. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Shahabizadeh, M. (2024). Results on the minimum sum coloring of graphs. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Valiyanpour, M. (2024). Cayley graphs on certain rings. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Abed, K. (2024). Hosoya index and matching polynomial of some graphs. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Afshani Yazdanabad, M. (2024). On the energy of line graph of some graphs. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Vahedijoo, F. (2024). Cyclic codes over certain rings. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Faregh, M. (2024). Operator equalities and characterizations of orthogonality in Hilbert C*-modules.. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Gorgani, M. (2024). Matrix monotonicity and concavity of the principal pivot transform. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Shojaee Asle, Z. (2024). Mathematical modeling of cholera dynamics with intrinsinc growth considering constant intervention. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Orangi, S. (2024). Analysis of control impact on the HIV reproductive cycle in a cross infection epidemic model. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Hedayati, V. (2024). weighted frames, weight and lower semi frames and unconditionally convergent multipliers. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Minaee Azari, H. (2024). Modelling the dynamics of acute and chronic hepatitis B with optimal control. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Hassanpour, Z. (2024). Topological Neuroscience with Emphasis on Neuronal Morphology. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Alizadeh Mohavateh Kar, M. (2024). ON INEQUALITIES FOR A-NUMERICAL RADIUS OF OPERATORS. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Mohammadi, Z. (2024). Frames, ralatives and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Nikbakht, S. (2024). Some applications of metric dimension in graphs colorings. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Shahraki, S. (2024). metric dimension and strong metric dimension of Corona product of some graphs. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Ghasemi Azghandi, H. (2024). On generalizations of numerical radius and their estimations. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Zare Mehrjerdi, M. (2024). Generator matrices in certain cyclic codes over finite rings. , (Doctoral dissertation of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Amiri, F. (2024). The density theorem and its applications for operator-valued Gabor frames on LCA group. , (Master's thesis of Pure Mathematics). Faculty of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.

Recent research projects

Contact Information

Iran, Mashhad, Azadi Square, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Department of Mathematics (Pure Mathematics- Applied Mathematics)

Phone: +985138805712-6223

Fax: +985138807156