Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is one of the most important majors in the professions and job opportunities in the world. It is entirely involved in the design, development and construction of all moving and non-moving devices and also the systems which are created by the technology each day. The mechanism of all operating machines as well as the production of power are subjects under consideration in Mechanical Engineering. Strong creativity, research, design, developments, test, manufacture and sale of equipment for these purposes are the basic issues of concern for a Mechanical Engineer.
Students of Mechanical Engineering learn about Materials, Solid and Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Control, Instrumentation, Design, and Manufacturing to understand mechanical systems. Specialized Mechanical Engineering subjects can be classified into Biomechanics, Cartilage-Tissue Engineering, Energy Conversion, Laser-Assisted Materials Processing, Combustion, MEMS, Microfluidic Devices, Fracture Mechanics, Nanomechanics, Mechanisms, Micropower Generation, Tribology (Friction and Wear), and Vibrations.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad was established in 1986. Its general aim is to train professionals and researchers highlighting, broadening and deepening their knowledge in a particular context. Its objective is to study the latest scientific achievements in a particular field, to acquire management skills and to identify research methods. The Bachelor’s program at the Department of Mechanical Engineering was founded in 2006. An undergraduate student will start with an introduction to key Mechanical Engineering topics, such as Statics and Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Stress Analysis, Mechanical Design and Technical Drawing. As the course progresses, there should be more opportunities to specialize in a particular field within which Mechanical Engineering skills are applied, such as Vehicle Design, Robotics, Nanotechnology or Energy.
Masters students at the Department of Mechanical Engineering will be able to study in any of the following areas: Applied Design, Energy Conversion, Manufacturing and Prod., Aerospace (Aerodynamics), Aerospace (Aerospace Structures), Aerospace (Propulsion) branches of this field. This course duration is for two years and it covers two main areas of education and research.
The highest level of degree awarded at the Department of Mechanical Engineering is the Ph.D. degree which may also be called a Research Degree or a Doctorate. The course consists of a coordinated set of educational and research activities. The aim of the Ph.D. program, which started in 1997, is to train and educate individuals capable of expanding the frontiers of knowledge in their specialty. Being familiar with methods of advanced research as well as the latest foundations of education, Ph.D. students are able to innovate in science and technology fields. Ph.D. students admitted to this department can study in branches of Mechanical Engineering namely Applied Design (Solid Mechanics), Applied Design (Control Dynamics and Vibration) Energy Conversion, Aerospace (Aerodynamics), Aerospace (Aerospace Structures). 

Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Masoud Tahani
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Concentration areas offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Areas Bachelor's Master's Ph.D
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering-Manufacturing - correct_mark -
Mechanical Engineering-Applied Mechanics -
correct_mark correct_mark
Mechanical Engineering-Energy Conversion -
correct_mark correct_mark
Aerospace Engineering-Aerospace Structures -
correct_mark correct_mark
Aerospace Engineering-Aerodynamics -
correct_mark correct_mark
Aerospace Engineering-Propulsion -
correct_mark -

Academic staff

Associate Professor
Mohammad Hossein Abolbashari
Javad Abolfazli Esfahani
Aref Afsharfard
Associate Professor
Hossein Ajam
Associate Professor
Ali Akbar Akbari
Associate Professor
Alireza Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi
Mohammad Bagher Ayani
Associate Professor
Mohammad Hassan Djavareshkian
Sadegh Elhami
Assistant Professor
Ali Esmaeili
Assistant Professor
Khalil Farhangdoost
Anoshirvan Farshidianfar
Mohammad Hossein Farshidianfar
Assistant Professor
Mahmood Farzaneh-gord
Amir Ghandehariun
Assistant Professor
Behrooz Hassani
Mohammad Hatami
Associate Professor
Mehran Kadkhodayan
Iman Kardan
Assistant Professor
Ali Kianifar
Farhad Kolahan
Associate Professor
Mohammad Javad Maghrebi
Mohammad Reza Mahpeykar
Amir Malekzadeh
Assistant Professor
Hamid Moeenfard
Associate Professor
Behnam Moetakef Imani
Mohammad Moghiman
Hamid Niazmand
Mahmoud Pasandidehfard
Mohammad Passandideh-fard
Jalil Rezaee Pazhand
Ehsan Roohi
Javad Sepahi-younsi
Assistant Professor
Mahmoud Shariati
Masoud Tahani
Ali Reza Teymourtash
Seyed Abdolmajid Yousefsani
Assistant Professor


Recent journal articles

Sobhanirad, S., & Hassani, B. (2024). Vibration analysis of multi-span continuous beam bridges with unequal spans subjected to moving loads. International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 12 (4), 945-958.
Karimi, R., & Djavareshkian, M. (2024). Aerodynamic Assessment of a Control Strategy Based on Twist Morphing Wing in a Flying Wing Aircraft. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 37 (1), -.
Niazmand, H. (2024). Numerical Simulation and Performance Analysis of Multi-Stage Electroosmotic Micropumps. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 128 (1), 107616-20.
Roohi, E., & Ghasemnejad, M. (2024). Large Eddy Simulation of Cavitating Flow around a Pitching Hydrofoil. Ocean Engineering, 292 (1), 116547-116547.
Moghaddas Zadeh, N., Farzaneh-gord, M., & William P. Bahnfleth (2024). Optimal design and operation of the hybrid absorption-compression chiller plants - Energy and economic analysis. Journal of Building Engineering, 82 (), 108182-108209.
Tahani, M. (2024). Influence of temperature on the elastic properties of graphene and graphene-like nanosheets based on the asymptotic homogenization method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 127 (1), 529-547.
Momeni-khabisi, H., & Tahani, M. (2024). Buckling and post-buckling analysis of double-layer magnetoelectric nano-plate strips considering piezo-flexoelectric and piezo-flexomagnetic effects. European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids, 104 (1), 105218-105218.
Moghiman, M. (2024). Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Parking in a Commercial Building. Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 45 (1), 231-238.
Esmaeili, A. (2024). Methods and Technologies for Supporting Knowledge Sharing within Learning Communities: A Systematic Literature Review. Administrative Sciences, 17 (15), 1-34.
Javani, M., Roohi, E. (2024). Symmetrized generalized and simplified bernoulli-trials collision schemes in DSMC. Computers and Fluids, 272 (), 106188-106188.
Moghadas Khorasani, M., Mohammadi, A., & Djavareshkian, M. (2024). Enhancing convergence and accuracy: A comparative study of preconditioning for steady, laminar, and high gradient flows over a wide range of Mach numbers. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 35 (9), -.
Nikkhoo, A., Esmaeili, A. (2024). Aerodynamic Modification of High-Rise Buildings by the Adjoint Method. J Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal, 7 (1), 72-93.
Rahmati, F., Kolahan, F. (2024). Prediction of weld bead geometry of AA5083 using taguchi technique: in the presence of siliconized zn-graphene oxide complex nanoparticles. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 136 (1), 3-14.
Moghadas Khorasani, M., & Djavareshkian, M. (2024). Enhancing accuracy and efficiency: A novel implicit–explicit approach for fluid dynamics simulation. Physics of Fluids, 36 (3), -.
Moghimi Esfand Abadi, M., Djavareshkian, M., & Madani, A. (2024). Kriging and Radial Basis Function Models for Optimized Design of UAV Wing Fences to Reduce Rolling Moment. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2024 (), 1-17.
Hadian Kaffash, N., Marandi, S., Beidokhti, B., & Farshidianfar, M. (2024). Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and wear properties of laser additively manufactured 316 L stainless steel/Co-Cr-W alloy part using directed energy deposition method. Materials Today Communications, 38 (3), 107865-107876.
Nikkhoo, A., Esmaeili, A., & Najafian, M. (2024). Sensitivity analysis of geometrical parameters of supercritical water in twisted spiral tubes. Energy Sources-Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 46 (1), 3840-3860.
Mostafa Fathalian, Eligiusz Postek, Tahani, M., & Tomasz Sadowski (2024). A Comprehensive Study of Al2O3 Mechanical Behavior Using Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics. Molecules, 29 (5), 1165-1165.
Shahraini, S., Kadkhodayan, M., & Aslani, H. (2024). Development of GDDR method for ratcheting analysis of moderately thick plates. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 162 (162), 393-402.
Zarei, H., & Pasandidehfard, M. (2024). Numerical Investigation of Lucid Spherical Cross-Axis Flow Turbine with Asymmetric Airfoil Sections and the Effect of Different Parameters of Blades on Its Performance. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 17 (1), -.
Niazmand, H. (2024). Thermal analysis of hybrid nanofluids inside a microchannel heat exchanger for electronic cooling. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 149 (9), 4119-4131.
Hafiz, H., Yousefsani, S., Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi, A. (2024). Contribution of Soft Tissue Passive Forces in Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint Distraction. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 52 (8), 1991-1999.
Aldaghi, A., Mohammadi, M., Taheri, A., & Passandideh-fard, M. (2024). On the performance of a latent heat thermal storage unit integrated with a helically coiled copper tube and organic phase change materials: A lab-scale experimental study. International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, 154 (), 107403-107403-17.
Alam Hakakan, H., Amir Reza Askari, & Tahani, M. (2024). Introducing a novel piezoelectric-based tunable design for mode-localized mass micro-sensors. Composite Structures, 337 (1), 118086-118086.
Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi, A. (2024). A Proposal of a Design for the Bionic Hand: Describing the Integration, Motor Controlling System, Stereognosis, and Proprioception Sensory Feedback Components. Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery, 12 (4), 296-297.
Samane Ghandehariun, Ghandehariun, A., & Nima Bahrami Ziabari (2024). Complementary assessment and design optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system integrated with open-loop pumped hydro energy storage. Renewable Energy, 227 (1), 120557-12.
Ghanitoos, H., & Akbari, A. (2024). Prediction of drill penetration rate in drilling oil wells using mathematical and neurofuzzy modeling methods. Energy Reports, 11 (), 145-152.
Gamze Soyturk, Sera Ayten Cetinkaya, Matin Aslani Yekta, Mohammad Mahdi Kheiri Joghan, Hanieh Mohebi, Onder Kizilkan, Ghandehariun, A., Ozgur Colpan, Canan Acar, & Samane Ghandehariun (2024). Dynamic analysis and multi-objective optimization of solar and hydrogen energy-based systems for residential applications: A review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 75 (), 662-689.
Afsharfard, A., Zoka, H. (2024). Compact electromagnetic vibration suppressor and energy harvester; an experimental study. Smart Structures and Systems, 33 (3), 217-225.
Esmaeili, A., Jabbari, H. (2024). Investigating Mechanical Response and Structural Integrity of Tubercle Leading Edge under Static Loads. Modelling, 5 (2), 569-584.
Tavakoli Dastjerd, F., Niazmand, H. (2024). Experimental and numerical investigation of wicked heat pipe cooling efficacy in oil-immersed transformers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 250 (), 123413-123425.
Mazloom Farsibaf, M., Azadi Moghaddam, M., & Kolahan, F. (2024). The Use of Grey-Taguchi based Approach for Modeling and Heuristic Algorithm-based Method for Optimization of Flux Assisted TIG Welding Process. Journal of Computational Applied Mechanics, (), -.
Ghaemian, A., & Maghrebi, M. (2024). Enhancing thermal-hydraulic performance in curved pipes through optimal radial fin placement: A numerical investigation. Physics of Fluids, 36 (7), -.
Sharifi, S., & Esmaeili, A. (2024). بررسی اثر چیدمان‌های متفاوت تیر پیزوالکتریک در برداشت انرژی از ارتعاشات گردابه‌ای حول سیلندر دایره‌ای. , (), -.
Mostafa Fathalian, Eligiusz Postek, Tahani, M., & Tomasz Sadowski (2024). Effect of Diffusion on the Ultimate Axial Load of Complex-Shaped Al-SiC Samples: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Molecules, 29 (14), 3343-3343.
Mehregan, M., & Moghiman, M. (2024). The Unnoticed Issue of Coercive Citation Behavior for Authors. Publishing Research Quarterly, 40 (2), 164-168.
Yaghoobi Bajmae, N., Abolbashari, M., & Hassani, B. (2024). Eliminating enclosed voids in simultaneous optimization of topology and bi-material distribution of three-dimensional structures for additive manufacturing. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 67 (8), -.
Hojjati, A., Kardan, I., & Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi, A. (2024). The effect of using the hip exoskeleton assistive (HEXA) robot compared to conventional physiotherapy on clinical functional outcomes in stroke patients with hemiplegia: a pilot randomized controlled trial. BMC Biomedical Engineering, 6 (1), -.
Kafash, H., Bradaran Rahimi, A. (2024). Computational Fluid Dynamic Application In Patients Suffering From Nasal Obstruction Due To Septal Deviation; A Review Article. Reviews in Clinical Medicine, (), -.
Kamali, H., Pasandidehfard, M. (2024). Effect of the arrangement of the injectors on the flow quantities in water injection into the hot supersonic crossflow inside the cylinder. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 35 (11), -.
Kamali, H., Pasandidehfard, M. (2024). Analyzing the influence of dimensions of the body behind the cavitator on ventilated cavitation. Physics of Fluids, 36 (6), -.
Kamali, H., Erfanian, M., & Pasandidehfard, M. (2024). Experimental and numerical analysis of cavitator angle effects on artificial cavitation characteristics under low ventilation coefficients, with prediction using optimized random forest and extreme gradient boosting models. Ocean Engineering, 309 (), 118446-118450.
Moghimi Esfand Abadi, M., Esmaeili, A., & Karbasishargh, K. (2024). Optimizing Performance Through Retrofitting: Strategies for Effectiveness Defence and Resiliency to Enhance Safety and Reliability. International Journal of Reliability, Risk and Safety: Theory and Application, 7 (1), 83-92.
Norozi, M., & Pasandidehfard, M. (2024). A quick 3D BEM iterative algorithm for partially cavitating flows over cylindrical bodies at angles of attack. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 168 (), 105912-105924.
Sobhanirad, S., & Hassani, B. (2024). Investigation of cancellation and maximum of resonance in multi-span railway beam bridges with unequal lengths under moving loads. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 46 (8), -.
Sadraee Far, M., Mazloom Farsibaf, M., Kolahan, F., & Elhami, S. (2024). Analyzing weld bead geometry and microstructure in ultrasonic-assisted activated flux TIG welding of ST37 steel. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 19 (1), 545-558.
Valizadeh, P., Zabett, A., & Rezaee Pazhand, J. (2024). Investigating the relationship between natural frequency and residual strength and stiffness of cross‐ply laminate under cyclic loading. Polymer International, (), -.
Elhami, S. (2024). Experimental and numerical studies on the flank wear during the thread milling; Effect of infeed strategies in different cutting speeds. Tribology International, 198 (1), 109899-109899.
Esmaeili, A. (2024). Strategies, Methods, and Supports for Developing Skills within Learning Communities: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Administrative Sciences, 14 (9), 231-251.
Nikkhoo, A., & Esmaeili, A. (2024). Geometrical parameters effect on aerodynamic performance of infinite tubercle leading edge wings. Energy Sources-Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 46 (1), 13596-13615.
Fatemian, S., Zabih Hosseinian, N., & Moetakef Imani, B. (2024). پیاده سازی روش پسخور مستقیم سرعت با استفاده از عملگر دینامیکی فعال به منظور کاهش ارتعاشات ابزار داخل تراش. , 11 (6), 1-15.
Yousefi, H., Akar, S., Niazmand, H. (2024). Improvement of mixing efficiency in twisted micromixers: The impact of cross-sectional shape and eccentricity ratio. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 205 (205), 110006-13.
Mohammadi, A., & Djavareshkian, M. (2024). Enhancing improved advection upstream splitting method on triangular grids: A hybrid approach for improved stability and accuracy in compressible flow simulations. Physics of Fluids, 36 (11), -.
Moghadas Khorasani, M., Mohammadi, A., & Djavareshkian, M. (2024). Conservative preconditioning techniques for efficient compressible and incompressible flow simulations on unstructured meshes. ZAMM- Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 104 (12), -.
Akhlaghi Ardekani, R., & Kianifar, A. (2024). Synergizing theory and experiment: Enhancing solar distillation performance with external reflector in a passive 4-stage model. Desalination, 586 (), 117815-117830.
Fadaei Rodi, R., Kamali, H., & Pasandidehfard, M. (2024). Innovative optimization of parabolic cavitators: Improving hydrodynamic efficiency and supercavity qualitycavitatio. Physics of Fluids, 36 (10), -.
Samanian, N., Razavi, S., Mohebbi, M., Abolfazli Esfahani, J., & Varidi, M. (2024). Mathematical Modelling of In Vitro Cinnamaldehyde Controlled Release via Computational Fluid Dynamic. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 40 (1), 7-20.
Rafiefar, M., & Moeenfard, H. (2024). Vibration modeling of variable thickness cylindrical shallow shells using extended Kantorovich method. Structures, 70 (1), 107554-107570.
Alqazzaz, A., Erfani Farsi Eidgah, E., Al - Fatlawi, M., Masrouri, A., Ajam, H., & Kianifar, A. (2024). An approach of analyzing gas and biomass combustion: Positioned of flame stability and pollutant reduction. Results in Engineering, 23 (), 102823-102830.
Mortazavi, A., Erfani Farsi Eidgah, E., Ghafoorian, M., Kianifar, A. (2024). Experimental study of electricity generation from solar energy using organic phase change materials and thermoelectric generator. Energy, 307 (), 132514-132529.
Farzaneh-gord, M., Alqazzaz, A., & Niazmand, H. (2024). Energy and exergy analysis with environment benefit of the underground cooling system of the chiller plant. Results in Engineering, 22 (), 101952-101962.
Sadeghieh, M., & Moetakef Imani, B. (2024). Jerk limited continuous tool path generation for flexible systems in non-cartesian coordinate systems. Manufacturing Letters, 41 (), 395-405.
Shadoud, H., Zabih Hosseinian, N., & Moetakef Imani, B. (2024). Online Reliable Chatter Detection of Milling Flexible Part Using Synthetic Criterion. International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, 17 (3), 1-9.
Passandideh-fard, M. (2024). Appraisal of Isosteric Heat of Lennard-Jones with Tunable Softness & Mie (14,7) Fluids via Simulation Method. Physical Chemistry Research, 12 (4), 1005-1017.
Khorram Nejad, A., Passandideh-fard, M. (2024). The influence of porous media on the melting ability of phase change materials used in a heatsink: An experimental investigation. Journal of Energy Storage, 98 (), 112935-112935-11.
Manoochehri, M., & Kadkhodayan, M. (2024). Development of the forming limit diagram for fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites and its temperature effect. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, (), -.
Ghaffari, E., & Rezaee Pazhand, J. (2024). Vibration analysis of rotating pre-twisted composite beams through isogeometric-based dimensional reduction method. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, (), -.
Rezaee Pazhand, J. (2024). The Effect of Structural Integrity and Geometric Configurations of Corrugated Cores on Flexural Properties of Sandwich Panels: Experimental and Numerical Method. Fibers and Polymers, 25 (11), 4371-4385.
Moltani, A., & Pasandidehfard, M. (2024). Numerical investigation of the interaction between a ventilated supercavity and free surface waves at high Froude numbers. Physics of Fluids, 36 (12), -.
Kamali, H. (2024). Optimization random forest model for air entrainment hysteresis prediction in ventilated cavitation using genetic and particle swarm along with experimental observations and numerical simulations of the hysteresis loop. Physics of Fluids, 36 (9), -.
Bashtani, I., & Abolfazli Esfahani, J. (2024). Predicting the physics of turbulent fluid flow passing through nature-inspired dolphin turbulator by artificial neural network. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (), -.
Bashtani, I., & Abolfazli Esfahani, J. (2024). MLFV: a novel machine learning feature vector method to predict characteristics of turbulent heat and fluid flow. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 34 (10), 3979-4006.
Bashtani, I., & Abolfazli Esfahani, J. (2024). Improving the photovoltaic thermal system efficiency with nature-inspired dolphin turbulators from energy and exergy viewpoints. Renewable Energy, 231 (120931), 120931-120943.
Ebrahimi, M., Pasandidehfard, M., Esmaeili, A., & Moghimiesfandabadi, M. (2024). Optimization of Aerodynamic Design of a Winged UAV Through Genetic Algorithms and Large Eddy Simulation. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2024 (1), -.
Pasandidehfard, M. (2024). تحلیل سه‌بعدی پتانسیل مبنا برای ریان کاویتاسیون زئی حول پرتابه‌های با پیشانی مختلف به روش المان مرزی. Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 13 (6), 153-167.
Kamali, H., & Pasandidehfard, M. (2024). Identification of cavitation regimes using SVM: A combined numerical, experimental and machine learning approach. International Journal of Modern Physics C, (), -.
Jahangir, H., & Abolfazli Esfahani, J. (2024). Multi-objective optimization of propane steam reforming in a multi-layer solar porous reformer; numerical simulation and response surface methodology. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 88 (), 1356-1368.
Kebriyaee, S., Moghiman, M., & Niazmand, H. (2024). Empirical study on the influence of initial relative humidity on wood crib fire behavior in compartment under varied natural ventilation conditions. Fire Safety Journal, 148 (), 104229-13.

Recent theses and dissertations

Gholampour, A. (2024). Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis of a 4-DoF Quasi-Serial Palletizing Robot Based on Parallelogram Mechanism and Optimization of Spring and Counterweight Gravity Compensation Mechanisms Implemented for Torque Reduction of Actuators. , ( Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Rezaee, A. (2024). Modeling the effect of using double-layer phase change materials in lightweight walls on improving the annual thermal performance of the building in the climate of Mashhad. , ( Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Hosseini Zarmehry, H. (2024). Experimental study of optimization of energy consumption in fruit drying process in microwave dryer under vacuum using response surface method -RSM. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Ragani Lamooki, J. (2024). Experimental investigation of aeroacoustic behavior of two tandem airfoils equipped with surface treatments. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Ghahghah, F. (2024). Modeling and experimental investigation of a rotary shape memory alloy actuator with spiral structure. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Alaei Kia, A. (2024). Dynamic analysis of porous bi-directional functionally graded plates under moving loads in two different directions and its application in ships. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Abbaspour, A. (2024). Experimental Investigation of The failure behavior of Epoxy Structural Adhesive Combined Mode of I and II And The Effect of Nano Particles Additive on The Energy release rates. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Bakhtiari Shahri, M. (2024). Improving motion characteristics of a clamped paired double parallelogram using asymmetric reinforced beams. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Amana, S. (2024). Experimental and numerical analysis of fatigue life using image processing for Mixed mode I and. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Davari, M. (2024). Study of tool wear in ultrasonic assisted thread machining. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Sanati, S. (2024). Laser wobble welding process modeling. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Qurbani, M. (2024). Analysis of the effect of magnetic field on heat transfer in a microchannel heat sink with different shaped duct. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Panahande Taghi Abad, S. (2024). Numerical investigation of the delay of the buzz phenomenon in a supersonic inlet with parametric study of the MRD method. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Rahnama, R. (2024). Shape optimization of transonic airfoil using neural network and machine learning in different Mach numbers and angle of attack. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Nasirpour, A. (2024). Investigating the behavior of silicon/methanol composite soft actuator and the effect of carbon nanotube addition. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Azizifar, A. (2024). Improving The Zero Loci of a 6DoF Flexure mechanism. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Gowhari, S. (2024). computational study of effects of geometric parameters of cowl lip on the performance and stability of an air supersonic inlet. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Almayyahi, A. (2024). Experimental and Numerical Study of Convective Heat Transfer from an Angularly Vibrated Surface. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Kimia, K. (2024). Numerical analysis of mixed heat transfer -free and forced- in the channel with electronic chip. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Khouei, R. (2024). numerical investigation of fluidized bed dryer. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Masoumi, A. (2024). Prediction of fatigue crack growth in a plate with circular cutout using artificial intelligence. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Mosavi, F. (2024). Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics of binary fluidized bed. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Seifinoghabi, N. (2024). numerical investigation of geometric variables of the water meter chamber on its performance. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Dastorani, S. (2024). Design and Molecular Simulation of a DNA Origami Structure Containing Heparin For Virus Trapping. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Kholghi, M. (2024). Investigating the effect of airfoil-shaped fins placement angle in square microchannel on improving heat transfer. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Soroush, M. (2024). Numerical study of two-way natural ventilation and the effect of guide vane and wind angle in a public building. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Nazar Nejati Zadeh, . (2024). Sustainability Analysis of Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes In Component Repair Applications. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Izi, M. (2024). Studying the behavior of ultrasound waves in detecting the level of implant fixation at the Implant-Bone interface. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Dolatyari, M. (2024). Experimental investigation of the performance of microencapsulated phase change materials on the heat transfer of oscillating heat pipes with hollows for cooling electronic components. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Farsi, S. (2024). Numerical simulation of crack propagation in dental restoration. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Baghani, A. (2024). Thermodynamic and economic evaluation of multi generation system based on renewable energies and power to gas technology. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Ghasemi, S. (2024). Numerical study and investigation of the suitable location of the optical searcher on ultrasonic objects.. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Rahmani, M. (2024). Investigation of a Dual Energy Storage System with Compressed Air and Hydrogen Production Based on Energy, Exergy, and Economic Analysis. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Mokhlesi, M. (2024). Experimental Study of the Effect of Polygonal Hydraulic Jump Shape on Nusselt Number of the Target Plate Under Constant Heat Flux. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Dehghan Tarzjani, S. (2024). An investigation on auxetic behavior of S-shaped cellular structure under uniaxial loading. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Rezaei, A. (2024). numerical simulation and geometric optimization of axial flow cyclone for the application of spark arrestor of diesel exhaust systems. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Jafari, A. (2024). Vibration analysis of a three-member frame due to base random excitation. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Mehrpooya, M. (2024). numerical analysis of the aerodynamics performance of a savonius wind turbine with elliptical cross-sectional shaft at varying aspect ratio. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Al-musawi, A. (2024). Experimental investigation and optimization of thermal photovoltaic system equipped with fluid spray cooling and phase change material from energy, exergy, economic and environmental perspectives. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Khani Moghaddam, H. (2024). Vibration/Buckling Response of auxetic box-beam. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Nourani, A. (2024). Evaluation of the quality of laser welding joints of Inconel 625 thin sheets by statistical methods and meta-heuristic optimization algorithms. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Sabeghi, S. (2024). Study and optimizing of NACA 0012 hydrofoil performance using notches on the surface. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Esmaili Darbandi Sofla, H. (2024). Modeling and design of a resonance modifier sample to absorb thrust bearing axial vibrations. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Shaddeh, S. (2024). Vibration response of auxetic plates.. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Mohammad Hosseini, Z. (2024). Low velocity impact analysis of auxetic cylinder. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Javadi, P. (2024). An experimental and analytical-numerical investigation to analyze and optimize the synthesis of liposomes within a Y-shaped micromixer. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Hosseini, A. (2024). Investigation and Comparison of the Effect of Sinusoidal and Straight Leading Edge Shapes on the Control Surfaces of a lambda-shaped flying wing model at Pre- and Post-Stall Angles. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Shariati, S. (2024). simulation and investigation of roll forming process. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Vossoughi, A. (2024). Development of a nonlinear dynamic model for an X-Y positioner based on compliant mechanisms. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Safa, A. (2024). Free Vibration and Flutter Analysis of Curvilinear Grid Stiffened Plates via Direct Variational Method. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Shafiei, A. (2024). Formulation and Topology Optimization of Flexure Joints with Stress Constraints. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Bakhshi Somaghche, M. (2024). Studying the effect of printing parameters on the damage tolerance behavior of 3D printed parts and joints under static loading. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Ardakanian, R. (2024). Hybrid Force-Impedance Control of a Redundant Robot with a Passive Degree of Freedom for Interaction with Environments with Unknown Dynamic Properties. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Yaghmaei, S. (2024). Analysis and Optimization of the Effects of Micro Particles on the Quality and Geometry of Active TIG Welding in Stainless Steels Using Statistical Methods and Metaheuristic Algorithms. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Vahidi, A. (2024). Two-dimensional numerical simulation and optimization of phase change process in a three-pipe thermal heat storage using response surface method. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Sarani, B. (2024). Interpretable Deep Fuzzy Hyperbolic Network for Five-Link Artificial Hand Gesture Recognition. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Eghbali, E. (2024). Computational fluid dynamics simulation of sawdust gasification in a downdraft gasifier using the discrete phase model. , (Doctoral dissertation of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Mireskandari, Z. (2024). Design and implementing the additive manufacturing process of medical orthosis using biodgradable composites and sustainabilty analysis. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Roostai Shaalmaii, A. (2024). Cumulative damage assessment and remaining fatigue life prediction of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites under fatigue loading using thermography. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Akef Golmakan, S. (2024). Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Batteries with Wicked Heat Pipes and Simulation in COMSOL. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Bagherinia, A. (2024). Vibration of sandwich beam with stiffened smart viscoelastic core. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Araei, B. (2024). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Internal Corrosion on the Ratcheting Behavior of Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe under Cyclic Internal Pressure. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Hasani, R. (2024). Investigation of the Effect of Ultrasonic Vibrations on the Properties of Components Manufactured by Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing. , (Master's thesis of Mechanical Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.

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